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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

In Class Assignment - VSO

VSO Coming to Lyndon State College

The VSO is scheduled to play at the Alexander Twilight Theatre at Lyndon State College at 7:30 on September 26, 2013. The Vermont Symphony Orchestra is nearly 80 years old and play with the intention of spreading the appreciation of a variety type of music.

(LYNDONVILLE, Vt) - The Vermont Symphony Orchestra is to come to Lyndon State College on September 26, 2013. The show is going to begin at 7:30 at the Alexander Twilight Theatre at LSC.

For nearly 80 years, the Vermont Symphony Orchestra, also known as VSO, has been key in the states art community. They go from playing in big theaters, to playing on hillsides, reaching things like school gymnasiums and armories in between.

The VSO mission is to spread the appreciation for music far an few between and in a variety of types focusing on Orchestra, Chorals, and Chambers.

If a taste of their music so desired before the show, they have a listen to VSO tab on their website. More information can be found out on their website.